A picture of Duncan Horne at MCM comic con

DuncanW Sussex, UK

Designer, Front-end Developer & some other things in between

A picture of Duncan Horne at MCM comic conA picture of Duncan Horne at MCM comic con


For over 10 years I have been providing my skills in design and front-end development to software companies and private clients. I'm proud to have worn many hats and have worked in various other areas including UI/UX design, email design, graphic design and project management.

I'm now looking for my next role where I can continue working at the intersection of code, design and art and improve my knowledge and exposure to design systems and component libraries.


  • Freelance Icon Designer

    2022 - Present

    In my spare time I freelance as an icon designer and have designed icons for apps with a combine total of over 320,000 downloads.

  • Project Manager

    Shelton Development ServicesJan 2019 - Jan 2023

    Along side my design role I was also given the opportunity to become the project manager for one of the applications in the company's portfolio of software.

  • UI Designer and Developer

    Shelton Development ServicesJan 2015 - Jun 2023

    I helped the team design and implement the UI for two of the leading web applications the company produces for the social housing sector, collaborating within a design team of 4 colleagues and an engineering team of 12. Having the most experience with CSS and SASS in the team, a lot of my focus was working with these technologies as well as peer reviewing and guiding (or quacking 🦆 for) other members of the team.

  • Graphic Designer

    Shelton Development ServicesJan 2014 - Jan 2015

    I began my design career at SDS designing e-shots, brochures and a refresh of the company's logo amongst other things. Working in the Dev team lead me to start coding, initially learning HTML, CSS, Javascript and JQuery. I was then asked to design and implement a refresh of the SDS website